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Textile Machinery >> Electronic Jacquard

Electronic Jacquard 672 Hooks  Electronic Jacquard 960 Hooks  Electronic Jacquard 1344 Hooks  Electronic Jacquard 1920 Hooks
Electronic Jacquard 2688 Hooks  Electronic Jacquard 448 to 5376 Hooks  Electronic Jacquard Live Videos

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High speed Jacquard 1344 hooks


electronic jacquard machine - high speed electronic jacquard - electronic jacquard with power looms - jacquard with rapier loom manufacturers suppliers exporters in india punjab ludhiana


electronic jacquard with rapier loom manufacturers suppliers exporters in india punjab ludhiana


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - High speed electronic Jacquard 1344 hooks

Connectivity WIFI Connectivity Electronic Jacquard
Shedding Shedding 95 or 120mm
Shuttle Auto Shuttle Changing System ( Silk, Jari & Meena )
Storage Hundreds of Designs can be stored
No Limit No Picks Limit
Lifting Double Lifting Method
Designs Design can be transferred through Pen Drive
Software Design can be secured through our user friendly conversion software
Use Our jacquard can be used to weave all kinds of fabric like shirting, suiting, furnishing and specially to weave saree.
Speed Our jacquard support 300 rpm
Operate One Loom operator can operate more than on loom.

Special Prominent Feature

high speed electronic jacquard machine - automatic electronic jacquard - electronic jacquard with power looms - jacquard with rapier loom manufacturers suppliers exporters in india punjab ludhiana surat


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